Need to work on your fitness goals? Get back in the swing of things with these 5 tips.

Holidays are great for the soul but not always so great for the body. And it being month two of a new year, you should be well on your way to getting back in shape. Right? But what if you haven’t found your mojo yet? How do you get started?

As with everything in life, getting fit is a journey. You don’t just put on your trainers and go for a run. Put the shoes on anyway and read these five tips.

1. Find your why

Getting fit so that you can look fantastic in a swimsuit is a worthy goal, but many times, unrealistic. Determine why you want to get fit. Think of all the health benefits like heart and mental health – make a list and set goals. When something is worth it, you are more likely to work harder towards it.

2. What do you like to do?

Not all of us are runners, just as not all of us like doing endless hours of cardio – it’s hard, yo! Find an activity that you enjoy and that burns calories and do this consistently. Rome, and your physique, wasn’t built in a day.


Upgrade to Multiply Premier and we’ll reward you for your consistent efforts with Multiply Wins.

You get Weekly Wins when you achieve your weekly activity goal, rewarding you with a voucher from one of our Weekly Wins partners. In addition to Weekly Wins, you can now also score Monthly Wins for every 4-week winning streak.

Stay motivated and on top of your fitness goals.

3. Write down your plan

Don’t wing it. You’ll go all out in week 1 and by week 4 your efforts will start dwindling. Decide on the days that you want to exercise and set a specific time. Mix it up – do different types of exercises and schedule it for different days of the week.

4. Track your progress

Go for a Multiply fitness assessment to see whether your efforts are paying off. You can now do an online fitness assessment in the comfort of your own home. We have accredited health professionals who will be able to help you.

5. Believe in yourself

You can do it! Being fit is part of a healthy lifestyle and the benefits outweigh the effort. Make a commitment to your wellbeing – you’ll love feeling great, looking good and being healthy.