You must use your money wisely to reduce your chances of having to apply for credit to live through the overspending aftermath in January, especially now that the festive season is approaching. Here are 5 practical things you can do to remain financially disciplined and still have fun during the festive season.
1. Take the pressure off your wallet in advance
By now you know what you are going to need for the festive season and New Year. Things like gifts, stationery and school uniform for your children. Start paying for those now.
2. Going on holiday?
Take advantage of our discounts on travel and accommodation with partners like Mango, AVIS, City Lodge, Dream Resorts and Hotels, and more.
Take cash only when going out for dinner or other holiday activities, and leave your bank cards behind so that you do not have the option to overspend.
Identify and note all the extra expenses involved in your trip. E.g. Shuttle fees, meal costs, admission fees for the activities you will be taking part in and souvenirs.
Take advantage of the free breakfast instead of always dining out.
Don’t forget about travel insurance and currency exchange.
Walk as much as you can. It will save you money and help you reach your 10 000 steps goal to earn Active Dayz™.
3. Gift shopping?
Gather gift wish lists from family and friends now, and look for the items on the Multiply online shop so that you can take advantage of the discounts available to you there. Gathering gifting wish lists earlier will also help you come up with a budget and stick to it as you had time to plan.
4. Remain financially disciplined
Save the same amount of money that you normally save every month. The festive season is not an excuse to stop saving.
Decide how much money you can actually afford to spend on gifts, withdraw the cash amount and buy gifts only from that cash.
Stick to your budget.
5. Service your car now
Car trouble during the festive season can be the one thing that turns all your budgeting plans upside down. Take your car to Tiger Wheel & Tyre for an annual safety check now. If you find out that there is something that needs attention, it would be best to have it repaired now before the festive season begins.
Plus: Multiply members pay only R85 for an annual safety check at Tiger Wheel & Tyre until 31 October 2018.