Perhaps you went slightly over-budget on your holiday spending. And those extra mince pies and ice cream on the beach turned out to be a wee bit more challenging to work off than you initially thought. While there’s nothing better than being on holiday, getting back into your normal routine and achieving new goals might prove more challenging than you think.
Set SMART goals
No matter how big or small your goals for the year, one of the most crucial contributors to your success is planning. Poor planning can result in time and resource wastage as you have to device alternative approaches mid-way through the year. Knowing your strengths, capabilities and limitations is another key contributor to your success in achieving your goals. Set SMART goals. This means setting goals that are specific, meaningful, attainable, realistic and time-bound.
Do it!
Now that the planning is done, it’s time to act on your plans. Don’t let your goals sit on the shelf for too long; you might end up forgetting them. Take small, decisive actions towards them. Ask yourself every week, “What have I done that contributes to my goal this week?”
What’s next?
Staying motivated throughout the year may be challenging as everyday responsibilities and demands start piling up. This is exactly why you should have a plan for how you are going to stay motivated throughout the year. Try this great app to help you remain focused on your financial goals. And if your focus is more on your physical health, you’re in luck. There are now more ways to get better rewards for being physically active and sticking to your fitness routine.
As Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Do things differently this year. Now that you’re back at work and over the post-holiday slump, it’s time to set out to make the best of the year.