No matter how you like to do it (and what music you like to do it to), dancing is a fun way to get your body moving this spring (not to mention the fun factor). Here’s why you should turn those running shoes into dancing shoes.
Burn those calories
Dancing is a great way to get a cardio workout which improves the condition of your heart and lungs. Couple this with a good diet and you’ll be losing weight without even noticing.
Bond with the fam
Make an event of it for your whole family, a group of your friends or just for you and your partner. You can use games like Just Dance to make it a bit more competitive, go out to a place where music is playing with your friends and make an evening of it. Whatever you choose, it’s a fun way to create memories.
Get your good mood on
Dancing suppresses cortisol (the stress hormone) and releases endorphins (the feel-good hormone) which are good things to have on your side when dealing with usual day-to-day stress.
Dance like no one is watching
You don’t have to be a pro. Just have fun! As long as you’re moving your body to music, you can enjoy the physical and psychological benefits that come with grooving – no matter your skill level.
Can be cheaper
The equipment list for dancing comprises of 2 items: You and some music (and even that is optional). Whether it’s in the kitchen whilst you’re cooking or whilst you’re brushing your teeth in the bathroom, you can dance around costs of equipment, gear and memberships.
You can also use one of our approved apps or devices to count the number of dance steps you take to add to the 10 000 steps you need to earn an active day. Get that extra spring in your step and make it count towards your Active Dayz™.