You’ve probably heard of diets claiming that you’ll lose unimaginable amounts of weight in a short time, or those that claim that you can eat whatever you want as long as you do ‘’this one thing’’  to nullify the effects of eating food that does not promote weight-loss. Is there any truth in them? Let’s have a look.

Myth #1: Fad diets can be a long-term solution for weight-loss. 

Fad diets often require that you cut off one food group, or reduce your calorie intake drastically to lose weight in a short time. Even though you might lose weight at first, these diets are hard to keep up on a long-term basis. What ends up happening to many people is that they quickly lose interest and return to their normal eating habits, which then often results in weight gain. 

Another concern about fad diets that require you to eliminate a certain food group altogether or depend on just one food group is that you may not be getting all the nutrients your body needs.

Myth #2: It is healthier to lose weight on a high-protein or low carbohydrate diet

While the long term effects of this kind of diet are not known, the truth of the matter is that depending on just one food group for sustenance is not a balanced diet.  You might end up eating too much fat and cholesterol, which might increase your risk of heart disease, and because you’re eating too little fruits and vegetables, you might end up constipated from the lack of enough fibre.  

Myth #3: Eating after 8 p.m can cause weight gain 

The time of day you eat does not affect your weight-loss. It is what you eat, how much you eat and what you do after eating is what matters. 

Myth #4: Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight 

Studies have shown that people who skip meals, particularly breakfast tend to be heavier than those who eat smaller meals throughout the day. This could be because those who skip breakfast are hungrier by lunchtime, and they end up having bigger meals. 

Myth #5: Lifting weights is not good for you if you want to lose weight because you will end up “bulking up’’. 

Doing strengthening exercises like lifting weights regularly can actually help you lose or maintain your weight. This is because such activities help build muscle and muscle burns more calories than body fat. Exercising 2 to 3 times a week will not ‘’bulk you up’’. 

You might also want to read this post on what you need to know about detox diets.


U.S Department of Health and Human Sciences – Weight-loss and Nutrition Myths.