Ain’t nobody got time for the power-out blues. Here are some handy steps to make times of load-shedding bearable and even entertaining!

Have you downloaded the EskomSePush app by now?

The loadshedding schedule is now yours to scrutinize and plan your day around. You can even monitor other zones. Should you like to receive notifications and alerts to keep you current (!) regarding schedule changes, stage changes and suspensions, then here you go.

Fry an egg, not your cables.

So, while loadshedding is doing (or not) doing its thing, there is of course no current streaming through the wiring that powers up appliances. When the lights go back on, there is an inevitable surge of electricity. Ensure that your wiring is in such a condition that a surge of electricity doesn’t do any damage. Keep the sparks for the braai and/or your relationship!

When loadshedding comes your way, be prepared.

A power bank is mighty handy – otherwise keep your phone, laptop, everything that blinks, and pings charged. Fully charged.

Who needs an excuse to braai?

Gather around the fire, flip the loadshedding inconvenience on its head, let the meat sizzle on the grid and don’t forget to make braai toast. That loaf was going stale anyway. Get locked in conversation with the odd dad joke sprinkled in. Right, who’s hogging the bag of marshmallows?

So, the thing to do is kick back and enjoy the tranquillity, the calmness and quiet. Don’t get riled up and shout at whoever’s in earshot about how inconvenient load-shedding is. It’s the reality – for now. Accept that you cannot magically flip the power back on.

What you CAN do is light a few candles and run a bath. How good is that …