Not sure if you need a financial adviser? Sure, you already know that Momentum Multiply members get rewarded for doing an annual financial review with a financial adviser, but do you understand the value a financial adviser can bring to your life? Here are five reasons why you need a financial adviser.

1. Financial management can be complicated

Investments and assets come with liabilities and risks. Having someone who has above-average financial understanding in your corner can help you avoid taking on assets that become a burden in the future.

2. Accountability

Having a financial adviser is like having a personal trainer but for your finances. Since they know your plans and how you ought to be behaving financially, they can help keep you accountable.

3. They can help you set realistic financial goals

Life can be unpredictable, and even if you have an idea of how you want your money to work out for you, staying on course can be challenging. A financial adviser will help you set realistic financial goals and devise plans to help you bounce back and readjust as your life and needs change.

4. They can save you time

Many people don’t have the time to engage in extensive research to enable them to critically examine their finances and put the right plans in place. A financial adviser will be able to take some of the planning work off your hands so that you can focus your time on your other priorities.

5. They can help you choose the right insurance cover

Simply paying off your debt is not a sufficient financial plan. There are other important financial decisions you should make for a good financial future, like choosing the right insurance and life cover. And for that, you need someone who understands these products to help you.

Want to speak to a financial adviser?

Momentum financial advisers understand the challenges ordinary South Africans face and provide unique solutions for different life stages. Visit the Momentum financial adviser page to talk to a financial adviser.

You may also want to read this post on managing your finances better with Momentum Multiply.